Welcome from the Headmaster

You want the best for your child. So do we!

I am delighted to be able to offer a warm welcome to British School of Plovdiv. Being the only Department for Education (DfE) registered British School Overseas (BSO) in Bulgaria, we are justly proud of all the accomplishments we have achieved in the time we have been established here. We believe that as a school, we lead the educational field, as it is our commitment to develop the whole person and not just achieve excellent results.

In terms of academic results, we are thrilled by the high standards our pupils to achieve, but that is just part of the picture. School life is busy here and there are rich experiences in which we encourage our pupils to take an active part. These can be in the field of sports -both at school and after, creative activities or competitions. Our pupils have the opportunities to showcase their talents through shows put on, competitions like the World Scholar’s Cup, MangaHigh, COBIS Young Scientist Filmmakers, Poetry and Art and in friendly matches against other schools, just to name a few. We believe this helps build balanced, knowledgeable, caring and reflective people, which upholds our mission ‘Inspiring students to create and shape the world of tomorrow.’

Education and the schools that offer the best kind must continually question how to equip pupils with the best advantages to succeed in an ever-changing world. We always keep this in mind as part of our mission and vision for all at BSP.

With our move to a brand-new building, we believe that we will be on to the next phase for BSP. We continue strengthening the foundations that make our school, though excellent teaching and learning, a strong Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural ethos and a pupil-centered approach, a good choice for both local and international parents and pupils. On this, we want to expand into offering not only the IB DP but the IB CP to our older pupils but also look at how Concept-based learning can benefit pupils throughout the school.  For us, the transferable skills that these offer the pupils are invaluable, as wherever they may go after being with BSP, we believe they will be successful, being confident in how to apply these.

There are many more aspects to our school that makes me very proud to lead the team that makes up BSP. Please do take time to look over our website to get a taste of our school community, however, the best way for you to experience these is to visit us and see for yourself.

Wherever you are in your educational journey when you join us, you will be developing throughout your time at BSP as we want you to confidently head out into the world ready to contribute something new to it.

Matthew Osborn

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