Art Education

Preparing Your Child for the World of Tomorrow

The arts are creative keys that can unlock your child’s imagination and significantly transform their education. We believe that there are many advantages in exposing children to this aspect of the curriculum. Many of these skills link very well with the 21st Century Learner:

  • Creativity and innovation
  • Self-confidence and presentation skills
  • A medium for self-expression
  • Empathy and compassion
  • Cultural awareness and appreciation
  • Physical and personal development
  • Improved academic outcomes

At BSS, we believe in the holistic approach to education and offer opportunities for students to experience the Arts both through the curriculum and as extra-curricular activities.

Art Curriculum:

  • Art & Craft lessons with the art teacher in K-Gr.6.
  • Art & Design lessons in Gr.6-10.
  • We are the only school in Bulgaria that offers Art & Design subject in IGCSE and one of the two schools that offers Visual Arts in IB DP.
  • The IB Visual Arts students successfully exhibited their artwork as part of their IB course.
  • We had very good results in the first IP DP Exam session.

Music Curriculum:

  • Music education is so important is that it integrates so many different subject areas all at once. Not only will music education allow children to develop their musical skills, but it will also give them the opportunity to work on their math skills, reading and writing skills, science skills, and history knowledge.
  • Music lessons form a part of weekly lessons up to Grade 6
  • Pupils who want to continue with music then have these lessons after school.
  • Putting on a yearly musical that involves pupils from across the school


To maintain the interest of the students to the arts we offer a range of artistic extracurricular activities to our students:

  • Piano
  • Ballet
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